web background layered material with rainbow color line


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web background layered material with rainbow color line.

This PSD resource includes the following elements:


This vector contains the following main colors: White,Hopbush,Anakiwa,Dodger Blue,Ironside Gray


    Website Layered White Hopbush Anakiwa Dodger Blue Ironside Gray

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rainbow wiki:
>For other uses, see Rainbow (disambiguation). A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a nearly continuous spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the sun shines onto falling rain. It is a multicoloured arc with red on the outside and violet on the inside. The full sequence of colours is most commonly cited as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, though it is important to note that this is an inconsistent list; all primary and secondary colours are present in some form, but only one tertiary. It is commonly thought that indigo was included due to the different religious connotations of the numbers six and seven at the time of Isaac Newton's work on light, despite its lack of scientific significance and the poor ability of humans to distinguish colours in the blue portion of the visual spectrum. See more at Wikipedia.org...

color wiki:
>For other uses, see Color (disambiguation). Color or colour is the perception of the frequency (or wavelength) of light, and can be compared to how pitch (or a musical note) is the perception of the frequency or wavelength of sound. It is a perception which in humans derives from the ability of the fine structures of the eye to distinguish (usually three) differently filtered analyses of a view. The perception of color is influenced by biology (some people are born seeing colors differently or not at all; see color blindness), long-term history of the observer, and also by short-term effects such as the colors nearby. (This is the basis of many optical illusions.) See more at Wikipedia.org...

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